We’re very excited to announce that a limited training programme is currently due to resume from Saturday 20th June!
We wish we could welcome everyone back with a return to normal sessions however current Government Guidelines place strict limitations on the size of the groups, level of contact allowed and management of the training space.
For this reason we have developed a new programme designed to fit in with these guidelines. The club has invested in a significant amount of new equipment to allow our players to enjoy exciting and rewarding hour-long sessions. Girls will train in groups of five, each group with it’s own coach – this means that each individual will benefit from a high level of personal attention from their coach with expert guidance on fitness and netball skills.
Interested? Check the email address you have registered with Thunderbirds for further information on how to express interest in taking part. Once we have established how many girls would like to join us we will share details of cost, location and how to sign up.
We have already received an exceptional response to our initial email announcing our plans with over 120 girls expressing interest. Currently we have limited access to our outdoor training venue on Saturdays. This restricts the number of individuals we can accomodate each day and so we are working hard to finalise the groups and make sure that everyone gets as much time as possible in the coming weeks.
We are working very hard to secure further availability at our primary venue and/or locate further suitable outdoor space to meet demand so please do get in touch if you’re interested.
Further updates will be shared on the website and social media as our plans progress.